Home Partner with CGTI

Industry Partner Program

Unlock the potential of your organization with our Industry Partnership Program,
granting you exclusive access to our pool of highly trained graduates,
empowering your workforce with top-tier talent from CGTI.

Why partner with CGTI?

The caregiving workforce is in need of well-trained workers now more than ever, and the need will only increase. By joining CGTI’s Industry Partner program, you will have first access to trained and quality employees, plus:
  • Ability to connect with our students through multiple job fairs throughout the year.
  • Your annual payment, minus fair market value of your benefits, qualifies as a tax-deductible donation, and for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.
  • Complimentary ¼ page ad in PCOA’s newspaper, Never Too Late (a $340 value!)
  • Visibility as a dedicated partner and supporter of CGTI and Pima Council on Aging, and much more!
Partnership Duration and Cost
  • Partnership period: A twelve-month period from the start date established by CGTI.
  • Partnership cost: $1,500 per partnership period.
Description of Benefits
    • Industry Partner job fair: You will be able to participate in all job fairs during your partnership year. The job fairs are physical or virtual gatherings (based on CGTI discretion) of industry partners providing information about working in their type of facility and helpful tips on how to best get a job.
    • Monthly newsletter: Your company information will be included in our electronic message that goes to graduates, current students, donors, founders & other interested parties.
    • Never Too Late advertisement: Your company will receive one ¼ page ad in PCOA’s monthly newspaper, Never Too Late ($340 value).
    • Student contact list: A list of Nursing Assistant and Caregiver graduates with graduate name, phone and email from every graduating class within your partnership year will be shared with your company.
    • CGTI Website: Your company will be listed as an Industry Partner at cgtiaz.org.
    • Logo recognition: Your Industry Partner status with logo will be shared in a high traffic student area of the CGTI campus.
    • Company material: Your company materials will be shared in a high traffic area of the CGTI campus.
    • Recognition posts: Your company will receive three posts on CGTI’s social media including your name, logo, contact details and industry partner status.
    • Industry Partner list: A list will be provided to students with your name, website, type of facility and contact information.
Almost half of nursing home providers report that their workforce situation has worsened since May 2022. (AHCA/NCAL)
There are over 3 million home health aides employed as of 2022.
Staffing shortages are ongoing; in the United States, on average, 25.6% of nursing homes had a shortage last year. (AARP)

Industry Partners

CareGiver Training Institute is pleased to have the following Industry Partners. Our Industry Partner program serves as a way for both students and community care providers to interact and learn more about one another.
For employment information, please contact:

or call 520-289-8920

For employment information, contact:


For employment information, contact:

or call (520) 276-6555

For employment information, contact:

or apply on line at Careers – Preferred Care at Home (preferhome.com)

Frequently asked questions about the industry partner program

How do I apply to become an Industry Partner?

Start the process by contacting CGTI at admin@cgtiaz.org or 520.325.4870.

What if my organization has more than one location?

Organizations with more than one physical location must submit additional applications for each location.

When do my benefits begin?

All partnerships will start the first of the month following CGTI approval of application and receipt of payment. Example: approval and payment received on December 15th, your benefits begin January 1st.

Find out how you can partner with CGTI to build your workforce with highly trained professional healthcare workers.

Request more information and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions and talk you through the process of enrolling for our on-campus programs.

Or give us a call at 520.325.4870